Green Swans Observatory
The biggest market migration of our time.
A series of Green Swan market shifts, from degeneration to regeneration.
Our role: to make business sense of the coming transformations.
And to help build momentum towards the Regenerative Economy.
Join us.

Degenerative industries are nearing their sell-by dates
As various parts of the Degenerative Economy reach their sell-by dates, the Green Swans Observatory gathers and communicates market intelligence on the rapidly evolving Regenerative Economy. On this launch version of the Observatory website you can expect:
- four Sector Scans (cities, electricity, food, money)
- early details of Living Case Studies (spotlighting experiments to create Regenerative market shifts)
- projects with students exploring new forms of value creation (Education)
- a survey of the literature about the Regenerative Economy (Library)
- a sketch of our plans for future Green Swan Investment Portfolios
- interviews with leading exponents and practitioners of regeneration (Meet the Regenerators)
“Green Swans are positive market developments once deemed highly unlikely—if not actually impossible. For most people, they also arrive more or less out of the blue. And they can have a profound positive impact across the “triple bottom line” of economic, social and environmental value creation. At their best, they are simultaneously environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive.”
– John Elkington, OECD Forum
Observatory Programs
Tomorrow’s most successful businesses will be defined by 3Rs: Responsibility, Resilience and Regeneration. The imperative to act responsibly within the constraints of today’s system has not gone away – but it is no longer remotely sufficient.
Now businesses face the additional challenge of proactively contributing to the emergence of a more resilient and regenerative economy.
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