

Welcome to our open access library of regenerative economy resources.

This is the beginning of an open access library of key resources created by the Volans team.


Regeneration means creating the conditions for life to flourish resiliently and renew infinitely. But what are the principles of regeneration, how do they play out in practice, and how can businesses’ better understanding of the way living systems thrive help them to actively explore how to reframe their organisations around regeneration?

While there are many different taxonomies of regeneration, we’ve chosen to distil it down to its essence through an illustrative key that focuses on the main characteristics of regenerative systems, comprising three living system principles and three design principles of regeneration.

Using this key, we’re creating and sharing below an ever-evolving repository of examples detailing how organisations are beginning to apply these principles of regeneration for the benefit of their businesses. At the end of each case study you will find the key and our rating of each of the main characteristics.

Pockets of the future – examples of regenerative practice
